Saturday, 18 June 2011

Home Weekly - 1.51 is live and so is Sodium 2

Hello and welcome once again to Home Weekly, bring you the latest news and updates for PlayStation Home.

 Updates and Fixes
Kicking off this week's post is news that Home has received an update and the client has new updated to version 1.51.  The Home team have announced a number of new updates within 1.51, the first being that of item redemption. In the 'message of the day' it is stated that the Home team have ''improved performance of 'consumable' items''. By this they are referring to any items that have to be redeemed via a token system, such as The Midway and the Sodium Hub. Receiving items this way should now be far smoother than it previously was.

The second update is that the wardrobe and furniture browsers should now have increased loading times and speeds, helping for easier use. Following on from that the third and final update is that a new feature has been implemented to allow developers to allow item sales without the need of going through a commerce point, which may also help loading speeds and ease of access.

Beyond the updates, there have also been two major bugs that have now received patches. The first being that users should now not crash upon gaining a new reward if they already have a large inventory. The second is that Home should no longer freeze when exiting under "certain circumstances".

New Content
Beginning this week's list of new content is the final release of Lockwood Publishing's Sodium 2: Project Velocity. S2 is the sequel to the ever popular Sodium Hub and it's original game, Sodium One: Salt Shooter and as such carries over much of the feel of the original game, while offering a slightly different experience. As well as the features I covered in a post a while ago, the full version of S2 also includes greater jetcraft customisation and multiplayer for up to three players in a single race. Currently their are currently two track and two game modes available. The game modes are Singleplayer Quick Race and Multiplayer, with Single Player Arcade to be included in a future update. The two tracks are 'Industrial Sector' and 'Rocky Speedway', with a third unnamed track to be included at some point.
Also for returning fans of Sodium, S2 also allows users to gain Sodium Credits that can then be spent on various items via VICKIE, who can be found in the Sodium Hub.

The second piece of new content can be found in the Audi Home Terminal and comes in the form of a new and exclusive video. Following on from a recent community poll, Ralf from the Community Team was sent able to interview a few Audi representatives live on stage for a Q&A session.

And the final few pieces of new content come from the Shopping Mall with Lockwood offering yet more new items. The new 'Stitchkins' collection is a t-shirts and new companions all focused around artistically designed animals, including the 'Peanut Butter Monkey' and the 'Blueberry Bulldog'. All of the items can be purchased individually or as part of a complete pack. There are eight item packs, one for each different animal.
Along with this is a new set of Sodium clothing to coincide with the release of S2. Each of the six new items can also be purchased individually for part of a complete pack.
Both the Sodium 2 Clothing and Stitchkins items can be bought from the Lockwood Store, while th

The final new content is available from Alter Ego and comes curtsy of Sqaure Enix. To celebrate the announcement of Hitman: Absolution they have released the Agent 47 Outfit, which is can be bought for both male and female avatars.

From the Community
This week I have decided to also begin to include a new segment to Home Weekly - From the Community, where I will mention some of what I think are the biggest topics on the official European Home forums.

So, the topic I would like to mention this week is that of Home Square. Following the 1.51 update, the Square has received yet another addition, which is a Sodium 2 teleportal. As well as this, a large ship which is stylised in the Sodium textures and appearance can be be seen in the dock just off from the Square. This along with the current teleportals to the White Knight Chronicles II, PSN Sphere, Aurora and the Audi Home Terimal have left a group of community members wanting the Square to return to it's previous ways of the only additional content within the space being the Central minigame.

At the same time, some of this group, as well as other members all wish that the original Home Square would be brought back. Some feel that the European Home Square does not have enough individuality and borrows too much from it's North American counterpart.

The discussion on this topic is currently ongoing and the links for this, as well as the other items mentioned in this week's post can be found below:
Home Version 1.51 Patch Notes - bambaroo - EU Forums
Home Square - RUBBERDUCKZILLER - Eu Forums
Home Square is getting ''cluttered'' - natsamson - EU Forums
Lockwood Publishing
My Previous Post on Sodium 2

So, that's all for this week's Home Weekly and time for me to once again sign off by saying I've been randomthings and thank you very much for reading.

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