Saturday, 26 February 2011

Day One - Strange beginnings

Hello to all that read this. For the sake of the internet I am 'randomthings'. Why my online name came to be that is to me, still rather funny. While once signing up to something I was thinking through various usernames, all of which were takes. I then said aloud to myself 'Oh, if I just type a load of random things, surely they won't all be taken.' While saying this I had aimlessly actually typed 'randomthings' into the bar and the system then told me it was indeed avalible. After that I simply stuck with it.

As for my reasons for this blog. Well, I want to be able to document some aspect of my life. If I wanted to outright just make a record of what I do each day, in my opinion, it would be easier to just keep a diary. Video games are a big thing to me. My two favourite pastimes are listening to music and playing games.

Obviously everyone's tastes are different. With music I could post my opinions on albums. Then people could come along and completely oppose my views. With games I think it a 'review' can be seen a lot more generally. Different aspects of games are set in stone. The graphics work in such and such a way, the game has certain modes and works in a set way.

So really, to me it seemed a lot smarter to chose games over music. At the moment I currently own a Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, which I hope to review the games for. I do have a PC, although it's hardly one designed for gaming, but I might attempt to go through a few games on it.

So, as far as gaming is concerned I guess that's me. I hope I've given some decent form of introduction and hope that this can actually go somewhere.

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