Hello to all and welcome this very special post. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who have ever and still do read the blog and also to those of you who follow the blog or follow me on Twitter.
Today's I'm pleased to make a few announcements that should interest a lot of you and you will hopefully find entertaining.
The first is that tomorrow I will finally be getting a copy of DiRT 3 for the PS3. As some of you may know, DiRT 3 has a 'direct to Youtube' feature which allows users to upload short clips or even full events onto Youtube without the need for video capturing software. I plan on uploading a good load of DiRT videos to my Youtube channel. These will initially simply be raw gameplay videos, although I had hoping to later edit some of them and begin to provide commentaries of my experiences. All of these videos will be uploaded to my channel.
My second announcement is that a friend of mine, ShaneGBUK has set up a Minecraft server which he is opening to the public. The server world currently consists of a small town which includes plots available to buy to built on, a few shops, a fishing hole and a mine.
All of this is protected so players cannot grief and disrupt others within the town, although beyond that and outside of the town walls players are free to built and destroy as they please (within reason). Shane hopes that the server will grow in popularity and can become a community project. But of course, he will need your help to do this, so checking out the server would be much appreciated.
To access the server you will first need to download a piece of software called Hamachi. It is free to download and is virus and malware free. Once you have downloaded the software you will need to join the server network.
The Network ID is: ShanesThingy
and the Password is: test
Once you have done that, you should contact either myself or Shane with your Minecraft username so you can be white-listed and be allowed to access the server.
One this is done, you will be able to access the server via the multiplayer section on the Minecraft main menu. The server IP you will have to enter is:
We hope that you will all respect Shane's work and hard effort, but for those of you who do abuse this will be punished and ultimately banned from the server.
randomthings -
e-mail - simplyrandomthings@gmail.com
Twitter - @iamrandomthings
Shane -
So, that's all for today. I have been randomthings, thank you very much for reading and I hope to see you on Youtube and on the server very soon.
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