Sunday, 19 June 2011

Sunday Special - It's an update

Hello everyone, I just wanted to post a quick update. As I'm sure you can see, I have today again changed the blog's layout. The new layout now allows me to place a sidebar which makes everything more accessible thanks to the 'Blog Archive' and 'Most Popular Post' gadgets. As well as this I have now moved my Twitter Feed to the sidebar too and now use an official Twitter plug in, rather than a different one. Finally the sidebar also includes a Facebook 'share' button, so you can recommend the blog to your friends. As there is now a sidebar, this means that the main column for posts is now thinner.

I have also activated a mobile version of the blog to allow for better viewing and access from mobile devices. When the site is first loaded up a the list of posts will be shown and each post can be clicked on individually to bring it up in full, rather than seeing the whole thing initially. The mobile site doesn't work perfectly as some of the text doesn't appear to fit within the correct width, but apart from that everything seems fine.

I have also come up with a number of possible new names for the blog, but for the moment it shall still remain as Xenon Gaming until I have finally decided.

That's all for today's rather quick update. Tomorrow I shall be giving my opinion on a new Xbox Live Indie Game, Block the Laser. So, until then I'm going to sign of by saying that I've been randomthings and I'd like to thank you very much for reading. I'll see you again soon.

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