This coming Monday is Halloween and Home is celebrating it in style with new makeover for Home Square. Complete with pumpkins, gravestones and an eery silence (except for the cricket that can be heard echoing into the night). Even the Lynx Fallen Angels fit in rather well. The Square also has a new vendor especially for Halloween, offering all matter of costumes for any virtual Halloween gatherings including an official 'Scre4m' 'costume.
Another vendor has also been added to celebrate the release of inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood, a stand-alone spin-off of the main franchise. While only the game itself can be purchased from the vendor, stopping by may prove to be useful as entering the shop will reward you with a limited edition item.
The Psychodeconstructotron |
The final new addition to the Square is the Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One quiz. After answering a few questions you can find out which one of the game's four playable characters you are most like. Not only will you get to know that, but you will earn yourself a t-shirt and hat based on that character. Using the 'psychodeconstructotron' multiple times will allow you to unlock all items.
The current appearance of Aurora |
The last new piece of content comes from the Lockwood Publishing Showcase, were other six different days Lockwood will be offering six special rewards, all centered around the events of this coming Monday.
From the Community
A while back in a previous Home Weekly, I began the 'From the Community' segment, where I would comment on as well as voice the opinions of Official PlayStation community in regards to Home. The first time I did this, I commented on the seemingly unorganised and 'busy' state of the Square, as it features many teleportal.
The Lockwood Teleportal |
After having seen many other temporary ones and some permanent and come and go since then, I feel that Lockwood have come up with the perfect design for a teleportal.The teleportal in question is situated near the exit towards the Shopping Centre. The portal is also conveniently multipurpose and can take players to both the Lockwood Publishing Showcase and Aurora.
Finally, here is a few links relevant to this all that has been covered in this week's edition:
Home Weekly (which includes From the Community section)
PlayStation Home: What Goes Bump In The Night - James Gallagher - EU PlayStation Blog
Celebrate Halloween In PlayStation Home - Locust_Star - US PlayStation Blog
So, I guess that is all for this week. Home Weekly will be back again next Saturday and should hopefully now be staying so for the foreseeable future. I've been randomthings and thank you very much for reading.