Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Digging for Victory - My Opinion of Total Miner: Forge

At first, this does appear to be a clone of a particular mining game which has a 'blocky' appearance, but after looking closer Total Miner seems to be rather unique.

Developed by Greenstone Games, Total Miner: Forge is a block building game that at first to many (myself included) does bare a great resemblance to another block building game, one that is on PC. Sharing the same basic gameplay style and elements, Total Miner also offers it's own features which include it's two modes.The first is the Creative, which is the standard mode designed for building and offering the most straight forward experience. The second mode is Dig Deep, in which players are required to start merely with 1,000 coins, two obsidian blocks and a wooden pick axe. Dig Deep is essentially a survival mode.

Dig Deep is the first unique feature that the game offers. The second is that considering Total Miner is a console game, it allows for a great deal of save files to be saved on the game's two gigabyte data storage. The game also includes a 'world share' feature whereby players can sent any of their save files to another player and let them actively explore that world and use the file.

A formal currency system is another interesting feature, with the use of coins in comparison to simply using various forms of gold and other metals. Tied into this is the use of 'shop blocks'. These blocks allow players to purchase all matter of useful items.


Moving onto my own opinion of the game and I honestly have enjoyed playing Forge so far and I like the overall feel of the game. Firstly, the game does look interesting and slightly different, whilst still retaining a block-like appearance. Secondly I like the gameplay style from the Dig Deep mode, with players needing to find blueprints for items before being able to create them, which gives the game a great deal of purpose and focus, whereas not all players may enjoy the way that Creative Mode is entirely open. 

Another aspect that I find interesting and enjoyable is the multiplayer, which allows for up to four player split-screen on a single Xbox console. The official Total Miner website notes that other multiplayer aspects are planned for the future.

Overall I feel that Total Miner is a great buy and can appeal to people of all ages as well as new and returning fans of what seems to be a new genre: block building.
 Total Miner: Forge is available from the Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace for 240 Microsoft Points.

Here are a few links relevant to the game:

So, I guess that it is once again time for me to sign off. So, I've been randomthings and thank you very much for reading. I hope to be back again very soon. 

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