Created by xSLEVENx, Obscurity is the tale of a Sackperson who appears to be lost within an abandoned factory. While lost, the Sackperson comes across a malfunctioning droid who claims to have previously known them and sets out to aid the Sackperson in navigating their way through the facility.
The Droid |
The level's design is also exceptional, with the low brightness and sparing use of lighting helps to create a haunted feel to, which is further empathised by the background music, which is credited to Fading_monkey.
Beyond that the use of voice sounds is also used incredibly well, with the Droid's character being brought to life through it's voice. The Droid also adds a light-hearted level of humour to the story, which gives the level a somewhat charming and heart-warming feeling.
Overall I think that the level is simply an amazing creating and xSLEVENx and everybody else who worked on the level should be incredibly proud of their work and the fact that it has recently been chosen by Media Molecule as an MM Pick as well as achieving over 31,000 plays, over 8,000 'yays' and just over 4,500 hearts. Also as this is part one, it means that xSLEVENx and co. will be creating a sequel, which I personally will eagerly await.
For this LBP2 Level Review am going to give Obscurity [Part 1] a top 10/10. I personally think it is a great enjoyable level and I also think it offer a brilliant sense of depth.
And here is of course a few links relevant to Obscurity:
Obscurity -
xSLEVENx - (Level Publisher and Creator)
Fading_monkey - (Music Creator)
So, that's all for now. Now, it time for me to say that I've been randomthings and thank you very much for reading. I hope to be back soon.
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